Page:Martha Spreull by Zachary Fleming.pdf/103

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the lobby, and she led the way into a long room wi’ sma’ apartments on either hand, screened aff by curtains.

She put me into ane o’ them, telt me to undress, and left a hot sheet wi’ me. When I wis undressed she led me into a hot room. Thinks I this is gaun ower the score; I never can stan’ this. Talk o’ the Indays—it wis like walking into a bui'ning, fiery furnace.

“ Excuse me,” says I; “ I hinna muckle flesh, but what I hae will be burned aff my back if I stay here.”

She smiled as if I had made a humorous remark, and led me further ben. Then she laid me doon on a shelf—for by this time I wis quite helpless—and put a wet sheet ower me, then on the top o’ that she put a rug, and efter tucking me in like a baby she left me lying on my back. I must have fented several times before she ever looked near me again.

I saw figures moving aboot in the dim light, and I dreamed I wis a lassie again on the Bell o’ the Brae, and saw my faither and mither, and Peter and Mrs. Spale, and the lame schulemaister, in Shuttle Street, wi’ Tammas Taigle in the middle o’ the flair shieing the tawse at his heid, and carrying aff his wig. In the middle o’ my dream I felt the rug and the sheet wis being removed, and I saw the red-faced wumman nearly naked beckoning me to follow her. On going into the next room I wis placed in a sma’ circular box, but what wis to come next I couldna tell; by and by a thousand jets o’ watter stung me wi’ a comfortable heat—I turned round and round, for the points were jagging me like needles; then it got cooler, then caulder, until at last I fairly came to my senses, lost my breath, and ran oot o’ the thing a’thegither, telling the wumman that I wudna submit to that for the Queen on the throne. Weel, 1 can tell you I wis glad to get awa’ wi’ my life. Efter that I stayed six days at the establishment, there wis,hooever,nae mair