Page:Martha Spreull by Zachary Fleming.pdf/104

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hot packs for me. I felt greatly improved when I left, but I had a bonny bill to pay. I could neither mak' head nor tail o’ t at the time, though on looking at the account efter-hin’, I found amongst the details that I wis charged for a book on “ The Water Cure," a stomach-compress, and a medical consultation. “ The Water Cure ” I havena read, and the compress has never been on, so if ye ken ony charitable or benevolent institution that wud value sic things, I am willing to part wi’ them as a donation in kind.

Aboot the doctor's grace before meat I have just a word to say or I’m dune.

“ For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us thankful," wis what I heard the first day I went there. Thinks I, doctor, ye ’re in a hurry the day, having omitted to ask a blessing on the meal, but it was the same request to be made thankfu’, even on, as lang as I was there, till I wis sick o’t.

Noo, gratitude, if worth onything ava’, oucht to be spontaneous, and if the Lord has to mah’ a man thankfu’ for a guid healthy meal o’ meat, then, wi’ a’ reverence be it spoken, I think it’s hardly worth His while.