Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/120

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BEL BELL, ROBERT Jun. Cases decided in the Court of Session during 1794-5. folio. Edinburgh. 1796. . Cases decided in the Court of Session, from Nov. 1790, to July, 1792. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1794. — — . Lectures on the solemnities used in Scotland in the testing of deeds. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1795. A Treatise on the Conveyancing of Land to a purchaser, and on the manner of completing his tide. 2d ed. with notes and corrections, by W. Bell. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1828. . A Treatise on Leases, explaining the nature, form. and effect of the contract of Lease, and the legal rights of the parties. 4th ed. Edinburgh. 1825. . Abstract of the forms of deeds relating to Herit- able Rights. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1814. . Forms of deeds used in Scotland. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1797-1805. . A Treatise on the Election laws of Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh. 1812. A Dictionary of the Law of Scotland, revised and enlarged by W. Bell. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1826. BELL, G. J. Examination of the objections stated against the bill for better regulating the forms of process in the Courts of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1825. . Commentaries on the Laws of ScoUand, and on the Principles of Mercantile Jurisprudence, considered in relation to Bankruptcy, Competition of Creditors, and Imprisonment for Debt. 5th ed. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1826. . Professor Bell spent a long life in systematizing and illustrating the law of Scotland. His Commentaries are noted for accuracy and com- prehensive research, and those parts of them treating of commercial law are often referred to by American jurists, and with high approba- tion. They constitute a mine of mercantile law. " If we were required to point out the work in our language which approaches more nearly than all others to the beau ideal of an elementary treatise in jurispru- dence, combining the various requisites of theory and practice, in the most perfect harmony, we should, without hesitation, name Bell's Com- mentaries on the Laws of Scotland. Legare, 4; South. Rev. 58; Story on Agency, § 446, n. ; Bell's Dictionary, Pref. 7 ; 3 Kent, 37G ; War- ren's Law S. 890 ; 4 Ed. L. Chron. 53. 108