Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/147

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BOR profession. " It consists in dividing the book into four columns, in the first of -which the crimes arc placed in alphabetical order, whilst in the second we have the punishment stated, in the third the requisite evi- dence, and in the fourth a condensed digest of cases, so that the reader may, at a glance, inform himself of every thing relating to any particular offence." The author has also made frequent references to precedents of indictments, and to all of the late works upon criminal law. The work is condensed and accurate, and useful for the purpose of ready reference. 6 Jurist, 168 ; 24 L. 0. 258. BOROUGH, SIR JOHN. The Sovereignty of the British Seas ; proved by records, history, and the municipal laws of this king- dom. 12mo. London. 1651. This was written about the time of Selden's Mare Clausum, but Sel- den's work having been first published, the author suppressed his trea- tise. It was, however, published by Borough's friends, about teii years after his death. There is, also, an edition in Latin, fol., London, 1686. Nick. Hist. Lib. 125. BORTHWICK, JOHN. Observations upon the modes of prose- cuting for libel, according to the Law of England. 8vo. London. 1830. It appears from the author's preface that this branch of the law has not been, until recently, much elaborated in Scotland. Frequent refer- ences are made throughout the work to English treatises upon the law of Libel and Slander, which the author informs us is nearly coincident with that of Scotland. It has the reputation of being a learned and excellent work. Prelim. Disc, to Starkie on Slander, 33, 41. . A Treatise on the law of Libel and Slander, as applied in Scotland, in criminal prosecutions, and in actions of damages. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1826. A Letter to the Representatives of Scotland, in Parliament, respecting the state of our law, and the jurisdiction and duties of the Court of Session. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1830. BORTHWICK, WILLIAM. An Inquiry into the Origin and Limitations of the Feudal Dignities of Scodand. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1775. ——^ . Remarks on British Antiquities, viz : I. The origin and ceremony of judicial combats. II. The solemnities of ancient writs. HI. The ancient and modern use of armorial figures. IV. The form of funeral service. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1776. 135