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BOW BOURNE, . Rules, orders, and resolutions of the Court of King's Bench, with notes and references explanatory of the prac- tice. 8vo. London. 1795. BOUSQUET, J. Dictionnaire des contrats et obligations en Matiere Civil et Commercial. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1840. . Dictionnaire des prescriptiones en Matiere de delits et de Contraventions en Matiere administrative et Fiscale. 3 me. ed. 8vo. Paris. 1843. BOUVIER, JOHN. A Law Dictionary, adapted to the Constitu- tion and laws of the United States of America, and of the several States of the American Union ; with reference to the civil and other systems of foreign law. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1839. Bouvier's Law Dictionary is the best book of the kind in use for the American lawyer. It contains sufBcient reference to English and foreign law, Avith a very full synopsis of such portions of American jurispru- dence as requires elucidation. In the second edition the author recast many of the titles, and added about one thousand new ones. By means of correspondence with members of the bar in different states, and by a careful examination of local treatises the author has produced not only a good general American Law Dictionary, bat one sufficiently local for all practical purposes. Kelham's Dictionary of Norman French is appended to the work. BOWDITCH, J. Epitome of the practice and origin of the She- riff's Court, by writ of justices, &c. 12mo. London. 1831. . History, Revenue, Laws, and Government of the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands ; also the trial of Marin, at Jersey, for the murder of Miss Bethell, &c. 8vo. London. 1836. BOWDLER, C. Case of the President of Queen's College, Cam- bridge, determined in the High Court of Chancery, by the Hon. Lord Eldon, acting on behalf of his Majesty as visitor ; contain- ing the two petitions, the evidence, the judgment of the Chan- cellor, and a sketch of the arguments of counsel. 12mo. London. 1821. BOWLES, JOHN. Considerations on the respective rights of judge and jury, particularly upon trials for libels ; occasioned by an expected motion of the Hon. C. J. Fox. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don. 1791. 138