Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/23

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ABBREVIATIONS. 11 Co. on Courts. Coke on Courts, (4th Inst.) Co. G. Coke's, George' Cases of Practice. Temp. Anne. Geo. I. and II. Coll. Lun. Collinson on Lunacy. Coll. St. L. Collins on the Stamp Laws. Coll. CoUyer's Reports. Coll. Part. Collyer on Partnership. Coll. P. C. CoUe's Parliamentary Cases. Col. C. C. Colman and Caines's Cases. Coll. Jurid. Collectanea Juridica Com. Att., or C. Atty. Complete Attorney. C. B. Communi Banco, In the Common Bench or Com- mon Pleas. C. P. Common Pleas. Comm. Blackstone's Commentaries. C. L. Common Law, or Common Law Reports. C. J. Journal of the House of Commons. Com., or Comy. Comyn's Reports. Com. D. Comyn's Digest. Com. L. & T. Comyn's Landlord and Tenant. Comp., or C. Sol. Complete Solicitor. Comb. Comberbach's Reports. Com. L. Rep., (5) or') „ ,. , ~ . „ t:, r^ J n c English Common Law Reports. ill, C L. XV. J C. Comm. Code de Commerce. C. O. Commons' Orders. Con. Connell's Sketch of the Law. C. C. Code Civile C. p. C. Code de procedure Civile. C. P. Code Poenal. Const. U. S. Constitution of the United States. Conn. Connecticut Reports (same as Day's Rep.) Conn. & Law. Connor & Lawson's Reports. Const. R. Constitutional Reports. Const., N. S. Constitutional Reports, New Series, Const. C. R. Constitutional Court Reports. C, V. Constitution of Virginia. Conf. Conference Reports. {Fide Cameron and Nor- wood. ) C. P. L. Connell's Parochial law. C. T. Connell on Tithes. Cond. Ecc. Condensed Ecclesiastical Reports. (?) This abbreviation refers to the English Common Law Reports, ed'iled by Ser- geant and Lowber, Pliiladelphia.