Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/24

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12 ABBREVIATIONS. •■«> Cond. Ch. R. Condensed Chancery Reports. Cond. Ex. R. Condensed Exchequer Reports. Con. Rep. Consistory Reports by Haggard. Const. 0th. Constitutiones Othoni. (Found at the end of Lyndewood's Provinciale.) Conv. Asst. Conveyancer's Assistant. Cooper. Eq. PI. Cooper Eq. Pleading. Coop. Ca., or C. C. Cooper's Cases in Chancery. Coop. Just. Cooper's Justinian. Coop. t. Broug. Cooper's Cases tempore Brougham. Coop. P. C. Cooper's Practice Cases. Coo. Mort. Coote on Mortgages. Cooke Cooke's Cases of Practice. Cooke B. L. Cooke's Bankrupt Law. Coo. & Ale. Cook and Alcock's Reports. Cooke L. & P. Ins. C. Cooke on the Law and Practice of Insolvent Courts. Coop. Med. Jur. Cooper's Medical Jurisprudence. Cor. Us. Cornish on Uses. C. & D. Corbett and Daniels' Reports of Controverted Elections. Cor. Coram. Corv. Jus. Feod. Corvinus Jus Feodale. Cot. Abr. Cotton's Abridgment of the Records. C. S. Court of Session. Cov. Rec. Coventry on Recoveries. Cowell Inst. Cowell's Institutes. Cowell. Int. Cowell's Interpreter. Cowp. Cowper's Reports. Cow. Cowen's Reports. Cox (Sam.) Cas. Cox's Cases in Equity. Cox (Rich.) Cox's Reports. Com. 3, 2. Book 3, chap. 2 of the Communes. Code Com. Code de Commerce. Col, Columna. In such a column of some interpreter. C. T. Constitutiones Tiberii, C. J. J. Constitutiones of the Emperors Justinian and Justin. C.I. Constitutiones Imperiales; or of the more modern Greek Emperors. C. 1, 12, 8, 2. The Code, Book 1, Title 12, Law 8, § 2. Crabb's C. L. Crabb's History of the Common Law. Cranch R. Cranch's Reports U. S. S. C. R. Craw. & Dix. Crawford and Dix's Reports. Craw. & Dix Abr. ^ Crawford and Dix's Abridged Notes of Cases of N. Cas. 5 l^'diVi and Equity in Ireland.