Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/25

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ABBREVIA.TIONS. 13 Craig & Phil. Cr. Cressw. Crim. Con. Cro. (Geo.) (") 1, 2, 3, or Cro. Eliz. Ja. Car. Cro. (Alex.) Cromp. J. C, C. & M. C. & .T. C. M. R. Crompt. Ex. Rep. Crom. Cromp. Pr. C. C. C, or Cr. Cir. Com. Cm. Dig. Cru. Fi. & Rec. Cull. B. L. Cumb. Cun. R.(') Cun. Die. Cun. Bills Exch. Cur. adv. Vult. Curt. I Craig and Phillips' Reports. Craig de Feiidiis. Cresswell's Reports. Criminal Conversation. Croke's Reports tempore Elizabeth, James and Charles. Alex. Croke's Reports. Crompton's Jurisdiction of Courts. Crompton and Meeson's Reports. Crompton and Jervis' Reports. Crompton, Meeson, and Roscoe's Reports. Crompton's Exchequer Reports. Crompton's Office of Justice of the Peace. Crompton's Practice. Crown Circuit Companion. Cruise's Digest. Cruise's Fines and Recoveries. CuUen's Bankrupt Law. Cumberland's Law of Nature. Cuningham's Reports. Cuningham's Dictionary. Cuningham's Bills of Exchange. Curia advisere Vult. Curteis' Reports. (ii) The abbreviation Cro. simply, frequently refers to Keilway^s Reports, selected and published by Serj. Croke. There are different ways of citing Serj. Croke's Reports which has caused the student no little perplexity. The Reporter first published Cro. Car., and then "advanced by a kind of retrograde progression to Cro. Ja. and Eliz. Some authors in referring to the Reports mean by 1 Cro., Croke Charles, whilst others by 1 Cro. mean Croke Elizabeth ; the former referring to the order in which the Reports were published, and the latter to their chro- nological arrangement. (i) Mr. Tomlins, in his Repertorium Juridicum, refers this collection of cases to Mr. Annaly. Mr. Annaly reported cases, it is true, during the same years that Mr. Cunningham did, but the latter reports decisions of Lord Hardwicke that the former does not, as a comparison of the two Reports will show. If Mr. Annaly had collected these cases, they would have undoubtedly been printed with his others. I think, tiierefore, that Mr. Tomlins is in an error with regard to the fact, and that the cases are properly referred to Mr. Cunningham. These Reports are also cited as Cases temp. Hardwicke. The names of the Reporters not being given in the published Reports, and both Annaly and Cunningham having reported decisions of the same court, has caused the confusion of reference. The edition of Cunningham in the Law Library of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., is that of London, 17G6, and of Annaly, Dublm, 17G9.