Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/318

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FER FELLOWS, ROBERT. The Riglits of Property vindicated, against the Claims of Universal Suflrage ; with an Analysis of the Principle of Property and new views of Constitutional Interest and general Policy. 12mo. London. 1818. FERGUSON, JAMES. Observations upon the proposed Reform in the Administration of Civil Justice in Scotland. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1807. ■. Observations upon the Provisions of the Bill pre- sented to Parliament, relative to the Trial in a separate Tribunal of Issues of Fact, arising in Actions instituted before the Supreme Civil Court of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1824. . Observations on Entails, and Entries of Heirs apparent, cum Benejicio Inventorii ; with an Index of the Re- gister of Tailzies, from 1685 to 1830. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1830. Pamphlet. " He examines the law of Rome, and the feudal institutions, as to the power of disposal for ever by will. He endeavors to give the profession in Scotland a view of the English system of Conveyancing, and the limitation of this power, as to real property, which, it is believed, is very little known in Scotland, but a knowledge of which is become necessary, from a very general desire expressed to assimilate the laws of real pro- perty in the two countries." 2 Ed. L. Ch. 192. . Additional Observations on Entails, &;c. 8vo. "The author is the only writer who has brought to the discussion, the caution and thorough-paced prudence of the practical man, with the enlightened and extensive science of the philosophical lawyer," . Reports of some recent Decisions by the Consis- torial Court of Scotland, in Actions of Divorce, concluding for Dissolution of Marriage, celebrated under the English Law. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1823. " It is impossible to glance at the discussions contained in this inter- esting volume, without perceiving that they embrace some of the most important, and perhaps some of the most difficult, questions, which can be stated in a court of law." — . 1 A Treatise on the Present State of the Consistorial Law in Scotland ; with Reports of Decided Cases. 8vo. Edin- . 1 306 burgh. 1829