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GOU GOODWIN, ISAAC. The New England Sheriff. 8vo. Wor- cester. 1830. "This is a very useful compendium. Mr. Goodwin has chosen a sub- ject on which a distinct work was needed. It will save the lawyer a great deal of time in exploring the Reports, and to every Sheriff, Coro- ner, and Constable, it will be an indispensable manual." 5 A. J. 208. GORDON, T. F. A Digest of the Laws of the United States, including the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1844. An exceedingly useful work, very carefully prepared. ISA. J. 229 ; (19) 257 ; 1 Leg. Exam. 263. GOULD, JAMES. A Treatise on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions. 2d ed. 8vo. New York. 1836. The author was, for many years, Professor of Law, at Litchfield, Con- necticut, and compiled his Treatise from the Lectures that he there delivered on Pleading. The work does not enter much into details, but as a concise and accurate collection r.nd statement of the principles of Pleading it is not equalled by any similar production except Serjeant Stephens'. Gould's Pleading is a legal classic of the highest order, and has placed its author among the very best legal writers of the age. 8 A. J, 74 ; (15) 495 ; 1 L. R. 53 ; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 381. GOULD, W. T. An Address, Introductory to the Second Course of Lectures in the Law School at Augusta, Ga. 8vo. Augusta. 1835. GOULD, M. T. The Stenographic Reporter; published monthly in the City of Washington, and devoted to the Recording of Im- portant Trials, for Treason, Murder, Highway Robbery, Mail Robbery, Conspiracy, Riot, Arson, Burglary, &c. ; also, Miscel- laneous Speeches of American Statesmen, in Congress and Slate Legislatures, &;c. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1840-41. GOULDSBOROUGH, J. Reports of choice Cases, agitated in all the Courts at Westminster, from the 28th to the 43d Eliza- beth. By W. S. of the Inner Temple. 4to. London. 1653 or 1682, the same.

  • ' For thy further satisfaction know, that thou hast not here a spurious

deformed brat, falsly fiithered upon the name of a dead man, too usuall a trick, played by the subtile gamesters of this serpentine age ; but thou hast presented to thee, though I cannot say the issue of the learned 342