Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/355

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GRA Gouldsborough's own brain, yet I dare say, the work of his own hand ; and that which, were he living, he would not blush to own." Pref. See Abbreviations, ante, page 7, n., and Brownlow. GOW, NEIL. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Partnership, with an Appendix of Precedents. 4lh ed., with considerable alterations and additions. 8vo. London. 1841. 2d American from the 2d London ed. By E. D. Ligraham ; with an Appen- dix to 1844. 8vo. Pliiladelphia. 1837-45. This Treatise is deservedly esteemed, and ranks with Collyer's and Story's books upon Partnership. The last American edition contains carefully prepared notes of American Cases. 3 Kent's Com. G9, n ; 2 U. S. L. Gaz. 194; 1 L. O. 201. . Reports of Cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas, and on the Oxford Circuit, from M. T. 1818, to E. T. 1820. 8vo. London. 1828. GRADY, S. G. AND C. H. SCOTLAND. The Law and Practice in Proceedings, on the Crown side of the Court of Queen's Bench, comprising the alterations and Rules made and adopted in pursu- ance of the 6 &; 7 Vict. c. 20 ; and an Appendix of Forms. 12mo. London. 1844. GRADY, S. G. The Law of Fixtures; willi reference to Real Property and Chattels of a personal nature; to which is added the Law of Dilapidations, Ecclesiastical and Lay. 12mo. Lon- don. 184.5. See Law Library. " The learnedauthor aims to be useful, not only to lawyers but to men of property. He has, therefore, arranged his work with a view to its being intelligible to the latter class of men, and, so far as practicable, has avoided all legal technicalities." 30 L. O. 437. . A condensed Commentary on the Registration of Voter's Act, 6 Vic. cap. 18, plainly and practically elucidating the Law of Registration, being more particularly designed for the use of Clerks of the Peace and others engaged in carrying into operation the Provisions of the Act ; with an Appendix. 12mo. London. 1843. " ^Ir. Grady has stated, in a plain and practical manner, the effect of the Statute, and for the use of those on whom devolves the business and duty of carrying out its provisions, he has set forth the law of registra- tion as it now exists. 26 L. O. 262. 343