Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/43

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ABBREVIATIONS. 31 N. or Nov. Novellas. N. J.(') Novelise Justini. No. N. Novae Narraliones. Noy. M. Noy's Maxims. Noy. Noy's Reports. Och. Str.("") Octavo, Strange. 0. B. Session Papers of the Old Bailey. O. B. S. Old Bailey Sessions. Off. B. Officina Brevium. Off. Ex. Wentworth's Office of Executor. Of. CI. Pac. Officium Clerici Pacis. Ohio R. Ohio Reports. (Vide Hammond.) Ohio R. Cond. Ohio Reports Condensed. O'Keeffe Jr. Ord. O'Keeffe Orders in Chancery, in Ireland. O. Bendl. Old Bendloe's Reports. (Fide Bendloe.) Oldn. Pr. Oldnall's Session Practice. Onsl. N. P. Onslow's Nisi Prius. Ord. Orders — Ordinances. Ord. Ch. Orders in Chancery. Ord. Cla. Orders of Lord Clarendon. Ord Us. Ord on Usury. Orl. Bridg. Orlando Bridgman's Reports. Oufjht. Oughton's Ordo Judiciarum. Overt. (") Overton's Reports. Ow. Owen's Reports. Paig. Paige's Chancery Reports. Paine C. C. Paine's Circuit Court Reports. Pal. P. A. Paley's Principal and Agent. Pal. Conv. Paley on Conviction. Pand., or ff., or n'(°) The Pandects. (I) In modern editions of the NovellcB Constitutiones, the Novels are numbered and divided into cliapters and sometimes into paragraphs — e. g. Nov. 89, c. 9. The Novels, Constitution 89, chapter 9. (m) This Abbreviation is used in Buller's Nisi Prius, and refers to a volume con- taining abstracts of Cases upon evidence, surreptitiously made from Strange's Reports, before they were published. It was suppressed soon after its publication. 8vo. London, 1754. — Pref. to Bridgman's edition of Buller's N. P. (n) These are frequently cited as Tennessee Reports, without reference to the Reporter. (") It is perhaps well enough known that, The Digest and The Pandects are generally convertible terms. Formerly the word Pandectce was applied to the Pisian manuscript of the Roman Law, in contradistinction to all others then known. Respecting the sign ff, two explanations are given. The common one is, that it originated in a careless mode of writing the Greek letter 11 the initial of HavStxtai,