Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/505

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MAL mainly been moulded since Magen wrote, and his volumes are now rarely referred to. Millar's Ins. Intro. 15; Marsh. Ins. 21 ; 2 Dupin's Camus, 443 ; Reddie's Mar. Com. 432. MAGISTRATE'S ASSISTANT. See Glasse. MAGNA CHARTA ; with some Short but Necessary Observations, from Lord Coke's Comments upon it. 8vo. London. 1680. . A History and Defence of Magna Charta. 8vo. London. 1769. MAIION, J. N. The Duties and Liabilities of Executors and Administrators, under the Stamp Act; the decided Cases, Illus- trations, and Forms, recognized at the Legacy-Office, and Prac- tical Directions for Adjusting and Passing the Accounts, including an Analysis of the Legacy Duty Acts ; also. Tables of Annuities and their Values. ]2mo. London. 1835. MAIMONIDES, MOSES. The Reasons of the Laws of Moses ; with Notes, Dissertations, and a Life of the Author. By James Townley. 8vo. London. 1827. MAINE REPORTS. Cases argued and determined in the Su- preme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, from 1820 to 1844. 22 vols. 8vo. Hallovvell and Portland. 1822-44. Vols. 1 to 9, inclusive, by Greenleaf; 10 to 12, by Fairfield; 13 to 18, by Shepley ; 19 and 20, by Appleton ; 21 and 22, by Shepley. They are lettered, and called Maine Reports, by order of the Legislature of the State. MAINE. Laws of the State of Maine; to which are prefixed the Constitution of the United States, and of said State. Published according to a Resolve of the State. 3 vols. 8vo. Brunswick. 1821-31. . Revised Statutes of the State of Maine. 8vo. Hal- lowell. 1841. MALE, ARTHUR. A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Elec- tions. 8vo. London. 1820. MALE, G. E. Elements of Juridical or Forensic Medicine. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1818. MALLORY, JOHN. Quare Impedit ; containing an Abridgment of the Law concerning the Patronages of Churches, the Titles of Ecclesiastical Persons, &c. ; and Precedents of Pleadings, &c. 2 Parts, fol. London. 1737. 493