Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/572

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PEE PEARCE, THOMAS. The Laws and Customs of the Stanna- ries in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, fol. London. 1725. There is a chasm in the paging, from 9 to 21, inclusive; notwithstand- ing, the book is perfect. Clarke. — — . The Complete Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer ; showing the Authority and Power of a Justice, and the Alterations and Amendments that have been made therein. 8vo. London. 1756. PEARCE, JAMES. A Treatise on the Abuses of the Laws, par- ticularly in Actions by Arrest. 8vo. London. 1814. " Mr. Pearce takes a wide survey of the administration of the law, and in every branch he points out abuses, for a detail of which we must refer to the work." 79 Month. Rev. 219. PEARSON, H. The Statutes relating to Marriages, &c. 12mo. PEARSON, ANTHONY. The great Case of Tithes stated and resolved ; with a Defence of some other Principles of the Qua- kers. By J. M. 8vo. London. 1730. PECK, JACOB. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Tennessee, from 1822 to 1824. 8vo. Knoxville. 1824. PECKWELL, R. H. Reports of Cases of Controverted Elec- tions, in the Second Parliament of the United Kingdom, begun and hoklen 31st Aug. 1802, dissolved 24th Oct. 1806. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1805-6. PEE RE WILLIAMS, W. Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some Special Cases adjudged in the K. B., from 1695 to 1734; with Notes and References, by his Son, W. Peere Williams. 6th ed., with References to the Proceedings in the Court, and to later Cases, by S. C. Cox. With Notes and References to the Modern Cases, by J. B. Monro, W. L. Lowndes, and J. Randall. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1820. 1st American from the last London ed. 3 vols. Svo. Philadelphia. 1823. " One of the most perspicuous, useful, and elegant repositories of judi- cial knowledge is Peere Williams' Reports." The Reporter was an eminent lawyer, whose arguments display uncommon genius, eloquence, and learning, and his labours, as Reporter, enjoy a high character for 560