Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/688

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STU STUDY OF THE LAW. A Treatise on the Study of the Law, containing Directions to Students, written by those celebrated Lawyers, Orators, and Statesmen, Lords Mansfield, Ashburton, and Thurlovv, in a Series of Letters. 8vo. London. 1797. STUART, G. O. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of King's Bench, and in the principal Court of Appeals, in Lower Canada. With a few of the more important Cases in the Court of Vice Admiralty, and on Appeals, from Lower Canada, before the Lords of the Privy Council. 8vo. Quebec. 1834. " Mr. Stuart has performed the duty of a reporter in a very faithful and thorough manner. The facts of the cases are presented in a clear and perspicuous style, the points and arguments of the counsel are briefly but duly presented, and the opinions of the court are evidently prepared with much care and attention. Every part of the volume, indeed, is highly creditable, in a literary, as well as a legal and judicial, point of view. The editor's notes add greatly to the value of the work." 20 A. J. 217. STUART, G. An Historical Dissertation concerning the Anti- quity of the English Constitution. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1790. . A View of Society in Europe, in its Progress from Rudeness to Refinement ; or Inquiries concerning the His- tory of Law, Government, and Manners. 8vo. London. 1792. . Observations concerning the Public Law, and the Constitutional History of Scotland, with occasional Remarks con- cerning English Antiquity. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1779. STUBBS, W. The Crown Circuit Companion ; containing the Practice of the Assizes on the Crown Side, and of the Courts of General, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. To which is added. The Clerk of Assize's Circuit Companion, &c. 5lh edition, with additions. Svo. London. 1783. STUBBS, W. AND G. TALMASH. The Crown Circuit Com- panion. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1768. STUDENT'S LAW DICTIONARY ; or, a Complete Law Ex- positor; containing an Explanation of every particular Word and Term used in the Law. Whereto is added, a Table of the Latin Contractions in Ancient Records, &c. Svo. London. 1740. 676