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ANTHON, JOHN. An Analytical Abridgment of the Commentaries of Sir Wm. Blackstone on the laws of England, in four books; together with an analytical synopsis of each book. To which is prefixed an essay on the study of the law. 2d ed. With questions adapted thereto. By P. O. Beebee. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1832.

This book is, for the most part, a collection of Blackstone's definitions. The necessity or use of an abridgment of such a treatise as Blackstone's Commentaries, is questionable; and that such a book should pass through several editions is not very complimentary to American law students. "Take heed, reader, of all abridgments, for the chief use of them is, as of tables, to find the books at large; but I exhort every student to read and rely only on the books at large." The essay prefixed to the book, on the study of the law, is an enlarged and revised edition of the same thing in the author's Nisi Prius Reports, mentioned supra.

——————. American Precedents of Declaration, collected chiefly from the MSS. of Chief Justice Parsons. 8vo. Brookfield. 1821.

ANSTEY, T. C. Guide to the laws of England affecting Roman Catholics. 8vo. London. 1842.

This is the only professed treatise upon the laws of Great Britain relative to the Roman Catholics, and contains much valuable information respecting non-conformists of every denomination. The author has ably discussed the conflict of imperial with local laws, a branch of the conflict of laws that Mr. Justice Story and Mr. Burge have omitted, in their treatises upon the Conflict of Laws. He is also of opinion that confessions made to a Catholic clergyman are, upon legal principles, privileged communications. Mr. Anstey's work is a complete and valuable treatise upon the rights and disabilities of Catholics. 24 L. O. 535; E. Jurist, 250.

ANSALDI DE ANSALDIS. Discursus legales de Commercio et Mercatura. folio. Geneva. 1689, 1718, 1751.

L'ouvrage que nous indiquons est composé en grande partie, des rapports qu'il faisait en qualité d'auditeur, sur les divers cas soumis au judgement de la Rote. Ils sont précedés d'un discours général sur le commerce, les commerçans, les engagemens qu'ils contractent et les tribunaux qui en connaissent spécialement, Camus par Dupin.

ANTIGUA, LAWS OF. Consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands, from 1690 to 1798, and the Acts of Antigua, from 1668 to 1804. With analytical tables of the acts and an index. By A. Browne. 3 vols. 4to. 1805-1818.