Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/78

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ARC ANTIQUITIES of the Inns of Court, with an Appendix, contain- ing several modern orders made by the Society of Lincoln's Inn. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1780. APPEALS of Cases in the House of Lords, from 1698, when they were first signed by council, (by order of the house,) to the year 1818 ; with manuscript indorsements of the judgments, whether affirmed, dismissed, or reversed, containing 118 years. Folio. There are some cases in the House of Lords, prior to those above mentioned, collected and published by Sir Barth. Shower; and others still earlier, collected by the late Mr. Serjeant Hill, now deposited in Lincoln's Inn Library. Clarke. APPEALS. Form of Procedure in the House of Lords upon Appeals from Scotland, comprising the Forms and Regulations to be observed by the Scottish Agents ; with an appendix con- taining the Standing Orders of the House, a Table of Fees, and the Clauses of the Acts of Parliament regarding Appeals. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1821. . The Case stated concerning the judicature of the House of Peers in the point of Appeals. 8vo. London. 1675. . Cases of Appeals before the House of Peers, from 1711 to 1829. 51 vols, folio. APPLETON, JOHN. Reports of Cases determined in the Su- preme Judicial Court of the State of Maine. 2 vols. 8vo. Hal- lowell. 1842-3. See vols. 19 and 20, Maine Reports. ARBITRIUM REDIVIVUM ; or the law of Arbitraments. 12mo. London. 1694. ARCANA CLERIC ALIA, or the Mysteries of Clerkship explained. 8vo. London. 1705. ARCHER, C. P. Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases in the several Courts of Common Law in Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time. 8vo, Dublin. 1842. ARCHBOLD, J. F. The practice of the Court of Queen's Bench, in personal Actions and Ejectment. 8th ed. By Thomas Chitty. Including the practice of the Courts of Common Pleas and Ex- chequer. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1840. 2d American ed, 2 vols. 8vo. New York. 1838. This is the leading work on practice in England. In the United 66