Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/113

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These breathing exercises done separately or between the massage exercises will develop the chest and lungs. Causing more oxygen to be introduced into the blood and increased elimination of carbonic-acid gas, the blood is enriched, the energy increased and power developed to withstand or repulse attacks of disease. A direct as well as an indirect influence is also produced upon all the vital organs of the body.

The Special Deep Breathing Exercise

No. I

Position.—Standing or sitting erect, with shoulders back, but without strain, arms hung loosely downward to sides.

1. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose.

2. Retain the air for one or two seconds.

3. Join the lips in such a way that a small opening remains in the middle and throw only a small quantity of air violently through this opening; retain the respiration, again throw out a little air in the same way; retain again, and so forth, in the same way, until the lungs are completely emptied of air.

4. Take a shorter but deep breath, lasting from three to five seconds.

This exercise acts as a washer and cleanser of the lungs in forcing the pure air into the corners of the lungs and pushing out the foul air accumulated.