Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/114

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The Special Deep Breathing Exercise

No. II

Position.—Standing or sitting erect, with shoulders back, but without strain, arms hung loosely downward to sides. 1. Inhale as deeply as possible. 2. Retain the air in the lungs as long as possible, without strain. 3. Exhale the air vigorously through the open mouth. This exercise has a beneficial influence upon the system of respiration, the blood and the nervous system. The Special Deep Breathing Exercise


Position.—Standing erect, with shoulders back, but without strain, arms hung loosely downward to sides.

1. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose.

2. Stretch both arms easily outward to sides in line with shoulders.

3. Bring the hands to the shoulders, gradually contracting the hands in such a way that when they reach the shoulders the fists are very strongly clenched.

4. During this tension of the muscles, bend the fists rapidly outward and inward from ten to twenty times.

5. Exhale the air vigorously through the mouth, at the same time dropping the arms loosely downward to sides.