Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/130

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My Specimen, a nation can only be truly governed by its intelligence. An intellectual standard is the only standard of nobility that can ever endure, as all the people of this era found to their cost.

"After these terribly cruel civil wars amongst all the English speaking races; after all this bloodshed, and all this starvation and sorrow, there came a calm. A monarchy was again established in the year 3000. The Colonies again joined the British Empire. India gave in her allegiance once more, and they were again a united and comparatively happy people. The great reduction of population, caused by the wars and famines, that swept away multitudes of the weakly and diseased, resulted in again leaving room for those that had survived. Universal suffrage was done away with, and an educational qualification introduced. No man or woman, it was enacted, could vote for a member of parliament except the elector had passed a stiff examination. Every facility was given to teach the people, but all who wished