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to have the privilege of taking part in the election of parliament must be educated; nor did this safeguard for intellectual government stop with the electors. It was also enacted that all members of parliament must be men of the highest education, and they were also required to pass an examination of great severity in all subjects that men of education should be familiar with.

"In the year 3334 a most interesting event took place, and that was the union of the United States of America with this country. The Americans, like ourselves, came through terrible trials in the shape of civil wars, and other like calamities, arising from misgovernment by the ignorant. Even in your day there were indications of what was in store for this great nation. They led the way in making politics a trade; they led the way in introducing the payment of congressmen, thus lowering a duty that should be held as an honour by the citizens of every nation, to a means of acquiring gain. This degeneration became so bad in that