Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/138

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"As to religion, the world had come through many many changes. After years and years of experimental teaching, and the introduction of endless forms of worship, endless doctrines, endless beliefs, and non-beliefs, the people of the earth came back again to Christianity (from which they had wandered) about the year of our Lord 3260, and we still adhere to it. Our religion is now the Christian religion in its pure simplicity. We have done away with all sectarian dogmas which were purely the creations of man. I think you will admit that in your day man thought a great deal too much about these dogmas, and in fighting and squabbling over them they forgot what real religion was, although they called themselves devout Christians. The Romanists contended for the Pope and his Priests, and said (believing it to be true, no doubt) that the only way to Heaven was through them, assisted by the Virgin Mary. Their great dogma was that a Priest had the power of relieving his fellow creature of his responsibility