Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/139

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to his God. The Episcopalians established man-created dogmas, which they said had better be observed, if you wished an easy road to Heaven. The Methodists were bitter against the Episcopalians because of these church rules or dogmas, and yet they set up another code, which they declared the right and true one to follow. The Baptists again said that no man was baptised unless he was fully immersed, as if this could be a question of vital importance. The Presbyterians said that Presbyterianism was the true way Heavenward. They again, on some silly man-created laws for church government, split into a number of sects, all bitter in their feelings toward one another through some absurd difference of opinion regarding these questions that were really of little moment.

"All said that they believed in the doctrine of the Christian religion, which is salvation through Christ; and still they neglected Christ's teaching, that is simplicity itself: 'Love God, and do unto all men, as you would they