Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/173

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blood. You will now, my Specimen, understand why we are so light, so transparent, and yet possessed of such power. While you have retained the shape that you once possessed you are really composed now of much the same material that we are: in fact, you are no longer in your old body, you are in a new body, that is in process of being provided with new organs, otherwise you could not live and move as you do. Your spirit is the old spirit, but that is all. You have yet, as I said before, to reduce the size of your digestive organs, and to increase your lung power, then with patience and education you will become as one of ourselves, because, my Specimen, I see from what you have said and from what is passing through your mind, that you are possessed of more than ordinary intelligence for one whose mind was moulded under ancient influences that were both depraved and baneful."

I was becoming more and more astonished with all that I had seen and heard, but somehow through life I had the faculty of suiting myself