Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/174

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and my ideas to the situations in which I was placed. Whether I was alive or dead now, I could not say, but I began to feel more and more at home in this new state of existence. I saw less that was strange in the figures and costumes, the habits and the customs of the strange people I was now among. Whether this change in my ideas was caused by living in this new atmosphere, or whether it was caused by my intercourse with the Recorder and his family, I know not, but that a change was coming over me was quite evident. When we came to a stand in front of the villa, and before the Recorder released me from his hold, he slipped the little connector off the cross wires at my back. After this was done I had control over my movements, and consequently could move about the room with freedom. I saw that the walls were beautifully painted, representing groups of flowers with an odd bird or butterfly here and there. Indeed the whole room and its furniture was in the most complete harmony—a study of art.