Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/251

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most refined modern type of this generation were brimful of curiosity, as many that we visited, when there was no man present, came and gazed at me in a very rude way, in fact on two occasions they actually pinched me, I suppose to see if I was man or mummy. After this my modesty caused me to decline visiting except the Recorder was with us; but through all these pleasant little outings the Recorder's daughter never said or did anything rude, and I noticed when curiously-minded ladies took these liberties with me, she looked very much displeased with them for their want of courtesy.

In several of our flights I took her by the hand: what a nice hand it was; and then there was that continued flow of force passing through our fingers. At one time, it appeared to flow from my fingers into hers, and then, it would flow back again. I lost all recollection of her deformity; I thought no longer of her large head and chest; and I now became thoroughly convinced that there was only one true model for Venus, and that model was the Recorder's