Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/252

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daughter. She conversed with me on all subjects with the greatest freedom; but when I asked her to explain the history of the ruined cities, she placed her fingers on her lips, and shook her lovely head, saying:—

"No, no, that is father's duty, he will explain all in good time."

This friendly intercourse lasted I am sure for several weeks; but to be candid, I was so happy in this lady's company that I lost all count of time, so I will not be answerable for its duration; it may have been months. I was treated like the most loveable of lovely ladies' pets; the interest that they took in me was something past conception. I must say, for my part, that I was becoming thoroughly spoiled. One day, I asked the ladies:—"Was anyone ever punished in this refined age, and what punishment was resorted to?"

The elderly lady told me that trivial offences were punished by admonitions from the elders of the people, but no matter how great the offence, no one's life was taken. "But for all