Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/319

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Yes, such must be my miserable fate; I must float about in this terrible solitude for all time. Here my spirit rose in indignation for the hundredth time against this cruel punishment. Death by torture, death by burning, anything would be preferable to this. But I said to myself, I have one resource left, and that is the power of motion. I grieve to say that I tried to kill myself by this power. I clutched my right hand on the buttons and away I sped to the right; then I would clench the left hand buttons, and away I went to the left, diving and twisting from right to left and then from left to right; I would close both hands, and off I started straight ahead. I went on thus without ceasing for hours, until I became perfectly exhausted. I was unable to do anything now, so I stood at rest.

[I had now been many days sitting in Folingsby's garden, engaged in writing his adventures. As his health had not improved, I feared that the excitement of relating what he