Page:Meda - a tale of the future.djvu/320

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had seen in space would be too much for him. In fact, his wife had given me several scoldings, and she said that I was encouraging him to talk nonsense and injuring his health. I noticed also that when he came to relate what he saw in space, his manner quite changed, and he spoke like one in a dream, with his eyes fixed stedfastly, as if he saw all he described. Although highly interested, I felt it my duty to Folingsby and his wife not to allow him to continue relating his floating experiences for the present, but rather encouraged him to keep them until he was quite well and strong. I at last got him persuaded to skip all this portion of his experiences, and to be content with relating how he got released from his curious position.]

"Well," he said, "I suppose I must jump to the conclusion, since you and Mary have conspired against me, and I am too weak to resist you. After floating about for months and months, and seeing many strange things,