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'( 3 ) But when a greater number of the berries are taken into the ftomacli, fcarcely half an hour elapfes before violent fymptoms fuper- vene; viz. vertigo, delirium, great third, painful deglutition, and retch- ing, followed by furor, ftridor dentium, and convulfions ; the eye-lids are drawn down, the uvea dilated and immovable ; the face becomes red and tumid, and fpafms affedt the mouth and jaw ; the general fen- fibility and instability of the body fuifer fuch great diminution, that the ftomach often bears large and repeated dofes of tart. emet. (gr. 14.) without being brought into adlion; the pulfe is fmall, hard, quick, and fubfultus tendinum, rifus fardonius & coma, generally precede death. The body being opened, inflammation has been difcovered in the inteftines, mefentery, and liver. Comm. Nor. 1743, p. 61. And Boulduc, Hift. de I’Acad. des Sc. de Paris, 1703, p. 56. found the ftomach of a child eroded in three places. It may be neceffary to remark, that vinegar, liberally drunk, has been found very efficacious in obviating the effedts of this poifon ; evacuations fhould however be always firft promoted. The leaves of the Belladonna were firft ufed externally to difculs fcirrhous and cancerous tumours, and alfo as an application to ill conditioned ulcers : their good effedls in this way at length induced phyficians to employ them internally for the fame diforders, and we have a confiderable number of well authenticated fadts which prove them a very ferviceable and important remedy. But it muff: likewife be confeifed, that many cafes of this fort have occurred in which the Belladonna has been employed without fuccefs;'* this, however, may ' Junker’s Confpeft:. Ther. Gen. Ed. 1725. p. 491. Journ. de Med. ann. 1766. Timmermann’s Progr. Mich. Albertus de Belladonna. Tib. Lambergen, ftated in the Fhil. Tranf. vol. 50, by Mr. Pultney. Comment, de Rebus, tom. 8. p. 654. Durlac Journ. de Med. t. ii. p. 449. Amoureux, 1 . c. tom. 13. p. 47. Marteau. 1 . c. tom. 14. p. II. van den. Block. 1 . c. tom. 14. p. 108. Ludw. Adverf. Prait. vol. I. P.4, p. 637. and vol. 2. p. 314. To which we may add the later authorities of Bergius, (Mat. Med. p. 128. vol. i.) and Murray, App. Med. vol. i. p. 440. who ufed them fuccefsfully in convulfions and epilepfy. The good efFefts of the berries may . be learned from Gefner, Epift. p. 34. Eph. N. C. ann. 3. Obf. 64. Smetius, lib. 4. p. 238. Mayerne Prax. Med. Syntagm. Alt. p. 136. ^ Heifter Chirurgie, p. 328. Van. Der. Harr, over de Knierknoejl-cn Ranker Gezwellcny p. 85. Van. Dovern. in litt. ad Timmermann Progr. Timmerman junr. ibid. Acrel. Chir. Hdndelfer. p. 40. De Haen Rat. Med. tom 2. p. 45. Schmuckero Chirurg. Wahrnehmungen, tom. 2. p. 150. And fome accounts given of this plant by our own countrymen Gatakcr and Biomficld. be