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npl. 826 1814; dpl. 127 2018; apl. 211 etc.

þēah cj. though 42 410.

þearf f. need ns. 2018.

þēoh n. thigh apl. 183.

þēoh-wræc m. pain in the thigh ds. þeoþ wræce 182.

þē̆s, þē̆os, þis dem. pron. this nms. 612 86; nns. 421 1017; ams. þisne 69; ans. 28; dpl. þissun 220, þis 24; apl. þas 611, þus 610.

þicȝ(e)an (5) take inf. ðicȝean 1217; 2d. s. þiȝest 423 2219; opt. 3d. s. þicȝe 426; imp. 2d. s. þicȝe 815.

þīn poss. pron. thy dms. þine 143; dfs. þinre 28 64; dns. þine 215; npl. þine 414; gpl. þinra [25], linra 413; dpl. þ(ð)inum 413 414, þinum 419, þine 420 421; apl. þine 213.

þindan 3 swell opt. 3d. s. þinde 1621.

ȝeþoliȝan w. 2 remain opt. 3d. s. ȝeþoliȝe 620.

þrīe, þ(ð)rēo num. three d. þry(i)m 47 49 209; am. þri 426; af. 46.

þ(ð)rri(y)dda num. adj. third nms. þrindan 209 þryddan 47; ams. þriddan 128.

þrītiȝ num. thirty 1210.

þriwa adv. thrica 1417.

þ(ð)rōwian w. 2 suffer 3d. pl. þrwoiaþ 827; ðrowiad 221; opt. 3d. pl. ðrowion 221.

þū pers. pron. thou ns. [26] 223 etc.; ds. þe 213 [218] etc.; as. þe 28 213 etc.

þuma m. thumb ds. þuman 65.

þurh per. wa. through 165, ðurh 45.

þus ad. thus 24 [26] 212.

(ȝe)þy(i)nnian w. 2 diminish 3d. s. ȝeþinneþ 1422.

þȳstru f. obscurity ds. þystru 228.


ufan adv. above 125.

under prep. wa. under 1610 2020.

[unȝesēond pr. p. blind ams. unȝeseondne 2220.]

unhǣlo f. disease as. unhæle 2013.

unhāl adj. used as a subst. unsound ns. unhala 2020.

unhālwęndlic adj. incurable dfs. unhalwendlicre 411.

ȝeunstillian w. 2 disturb 3d. pl. ȝeunstillaþ 2019.

unȝewęndlic adj. chronic dfs. unȝewendedlicre 411.

ūp(p) adv. up 67 67 620.

ūpgang m. rising ds. upgange 820.

ūpryne m. rising ds. 63.

ūtan adv. outside 1623.

ūte adv. sup. ȳtemest adj. extreme ns. ytemesta 1016.

ūt gang m. anus as. 1815.


wæcce f. sleeplessness as. wæccen 1611.

ȝewæ̂ȝe n. weight is. 84.

wæ̂pned adj. male as. 1222 1227.

wæ̂t n. water as. wæte 1810.

wæ̂ta m. wet ds. wætan 1815–(ewil) humour as. wætan 83 1613 1620.

ȝewæ̂tan w. 1 wet imp. 2d. s. ȝewæt 1014.

wæter n. water gs. 613 209 etc. ds. wæ(a)tere 811 207.

waȝung f. shaking ds. waȝunga 87.

wamb f. womb ns. wambe 1619; gs. wambe 86; as. wambe 616, wamba 220.