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wambe-wrǣc f. pain of womb ds. wambe-wyæce 142.

ȝewanian w. 2 diminish 3d. s. ȝewanaþ 2023.

wāt pret. pr. know ger. ȝewitenne 28.

wearm adj. warm dns. wa (e)rme 1212.

wearr m. callosity apl. wearras 1810, wearres 1813.

wearte f. wart dpl. wirtan 108; apl. weartan 109.

wel adv. well 421 161 etc.

wēnan w. 1 ween [1 st. s. wene 26]; 3d. s. weneþ 2011.

weolc-rēad adj. crimson dns. seolc readum 612.

wer m. man ns. 1225; gs. weres 204.

werod n. host dpl. weredun 423.

wexan rd. grow 3d. s. wexed 1222; 3d. pl. wexaþ 1420; opt. 3d. pl. 141, wexan 2221.

wīf n. woman ns. 623 etc.; gs. wifes 616 161; ds. wife 1226; gpl. wifa 826 187; dpl. wyfam 127.

wīf-lust m. sexual lust gpl. wif-lusta 425.

wīfman m. woman ns. 2024.

wīf-ȝemāna m. sexual intercourse gs. wif-ȝemanon 822; as. wið-ȝemanan 820, wið-ȝemanen 2211.

wīf-þing n. sexual intercourse dpl. wif-þingun 1016 1017, fif-þingumd 2213.

wi(y)ldēor n. wild beast ns. 421; gpl. wyldeora 29.

willa m. will ds. willan as. willan 161 204.

wi(y)llan anv. wish, desire 1st. s. wylle 421; opt. 2d. s. wylle 623.

willan w. 1 boil imp. 2d. s. wul 201, wulle 243.

wille wæter n. spring ds. wille-wætera 426.

wīn n. wine gs. wines 85 822; ds. wine 810 1210 etc.

ȝewindan 3 wind up imp. 2d. s. ȝewind 612.

ȝewinn n. hardship ds. ȝewinne 418; as. ȝewin 420.

wiunan 3 suffer opt. 3d. pl. winnon 44.

[ȝewis adj. certain ns. 25].

wī(ȳ)se f. ns. wysa 411.

wislīce adv. wisely 88.

ȝewī(ȳ)tan 1 depart away 3d. s. ȝewyteþ 43 202.

witiga m. prophet gs. witigan 220.

wið prep. wd. with 43 816 etc.–wd. against 82 2017 etc., wid 418 1023 1112 125; wa. 826 1012 1617 183 etc.–for wd. 206; wa. 823; wið ꝥ in order that 1227 2221.

wiðstandan 6 oppose 3d. s. wið-standeþ 1612.

wlæc adj. lukewarm nms. 1424.

wlǣtta m. nausea ds. wæ (l)tan 208, wæ (l)ten 1219.

wōl mf. pestilence ns. wol 416; gs. woles 418; ds. wole 44.

wōl-berende adj. pestilential nns. 27.

wom m. spot, blot, unsightliness, as. 1422; apl. wommas 2216, womas 2218.

word n. word dpl. wordum 24, worde 221; apl. word 611.

worms nm. matter, pus ns. wurmas (!) 1625 wu (r)m 208.

wracu f. acute pain ds. wæ (r)ce 1023.

(ȝe)wrī(ȳ)þan 1 bind imp. 2d. s. wriþ 615 616, wryþ 2022, ȝewryd 1622; pp. ȝewriþen 1615, ȝewryþan 124.

wude-bucca m. wild goat ns. 149; gs. wudu-bucca 148, wude-buccan 1412.