Round the Throne, 'midst Angel natures[1]
Stand four holy Living Creatures,
Whose diversity of features
Maketh good the Seer's plan:
This an Eagle's visage knoweth:
That a Lion's image showeth:
Scripture on the rest bestoweth
The twain forms of Ox and Man.
These are they, the symbols mystic
Of the forms Evangelistic,
Who the Church, with streams majestic,
Irrigate from sea to sea:
Matthew first, and Mark the second:
Luke with these is rightly reckoned:
And the loved Apostle, beckoned
From his nets and Zebedee.
Matthew's form the man supplieth,
For that thus he testifieth
Of the Lord, that none denieth
Him to spring from man He made;
Luke the ox, in form propitial,
As a creature sacrificial,
For that he the rites judicial
Of Mosaic law displayed.