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Mark the wilds as lion shaketh,
And the desert hearing quaketh,
Preparation while he maketh
That the heart with God be right:
John, love's double[1] wing devising,
Earth on eagle plumes despising,
To his God and Lord uprising
Soars away in purer light.

Symbols quadriform uniting
They of Christ are thus inditing;
Quadriform His acts, which writing
They produce before our eyes:
Man,—Whose birth man's law obeyeth:
Ox,—Whom victim's passion slayeth:
Lion,—when on death He preyeth:
Eagle,—soaring to the skies.

These the creature forms etherial
Bound the Majesty imperial
Seen by prophets; but material
Difference 'twixt the visions springs:
Wheels are rolling,—wings are flying,—[2]
Scripture lore this signifying;—
Step with step, as wheels, complying,
Contemplation by the wings.