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If fields are green, and flowers are fair.
If bright the sun out-o'er us passes,
We married fouks enjoy a' these
Wi' honest wives that were braw lasses.
Honest wives, &c.

Let younkers sing o' lasses braw,
Our days and nights creep on fu' canny,
United to a female friend,
Wha brings ilk year an arle-penny.
Honest wives, &c.

If wi’ a friend we get a drap,
And on the morn our beads' are dizzy,
Altho’ they gi’e a woe bit gloom,
To bring relief their hands are bizzy.
Honest wives, &c.

The Tankard of Ale.

Not drunk, nor yet sober, but brother to both,
I met a young man upon Aylesbury dale,
I saw by his face that he was in good case
To go and shake hands with a tankard of ale.
Laru la re, laru, &c. I saw, &c.

The hedger that works in the ditches all day,
And labours hard all day at the plough tail,
He’ll talk of great things about princes & kings.
When once he shakes hands with a tankard of ale.
Laru la re, laru, &c. He'll talk, &c.