Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/326

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Kit-fox, 226.
Klédzi hatál, or night chant, 35, 37, 53, 229, 243, 251.
Kléhanoai (moon-bearer) 80, 226.
Klógi, name of old pueblo, 30.
Knife boy, 101.
Knitting, 21.
Knives, ancient, 233.

Language, mixed, 143.
Lava, blood of giants, 116, 234.
Legends, different versions, many, 50.
Legends, local, abundant, 38.
Legerdemain, 48, 241.
Letherman, Dr. J., 22, 23, 276.
Léyaneyani, Reared Below Ground (hero), 101, 103, 124, 126, 236, 237.
Life-feather, or breath-feather, of eagle, magical, 109, 111, 231.
Life principle, concealed, 91, 94, 102, 217.
Life token, 122.
Lightning, 80, 115, 119, 165, 200, 245, 246, 250, 252.
Lightning arrows, 101, 115-120, 125, 126.
Lightning, crooked, 165, 166.
Lightning, sheet, 80.
Lightning, straight, 165, 166.
Lightnings, sentinel, 111.
Little bird, transformations of feathers of Tse'nă'hale, 121.
Locust People, 53, 74, 76, 218.
Lokáadikĭsi (mythic place), 110.
Loom, 20, 23, 25.

Magpie, spy of anáye, 108.
Maid Who Becomes a Bear, see Tsĭké Sas Nátlehi.
Maitó', Coyote Water (spring), 152.
Maito'dĭne', Coyote People (gens), 30, 152, 242.
Male and female gender, how applied, 42, 113, 137, 211, 235, 243.
Maledictions, 144.
Mammilaria, round cactus, 231.
Mancos Canyon, 238.
Mandans, 16, 225.
Manuelito, 3, 11.
Mariano, 4, 11.
Marsh Pass, Ariz., 238.
Masks, 46, 70, 191, 213, 252, etc.
McElmo Canyon, 238.
Medicine, 59, 100, 176, 195, 247, 250.
Medicine-lodge, 15, 16, 205, 214, 241.
Medicine-men, see Shamans.
Melodies, 279.
Melons, 150, 183.
Mescal, creation of, 125.
Mexicans, creation of, 87.
Mine, The Lost Adam (legendary), 2.
Minor ceremonies, 41.
Mirage Boy, 137.
Mirage People, 69, 142, 238.
Mirage Stone, 79, 221.
Mirage Stone People, 104.
Moccasins, 190.
Mohaves, 158.
Moki, 41, 216.
Moon, creation of, 80.
Moon-bearer, see Békotsĭdi.
Morgan, H. L., Dr., 31.
Mountain chant, see Dsĭlyĭ'dze hatál.
Mountain mahogany, 214, 231, 235, 248.
Mountains, sacred, seven, 36, 71, 220, 221, 222.
Mount Taylor, see Tsótsĭl.
Music, Navaho, 22, 29, 254, 258, 279.

Nabĭnĭltáhi (chief), 141.
Naestsán, Woman Horizontal, Earth Mother, 230.
Nahopá, Brown Horizontal Streak (place), 141.
Nahopáni (gens), 30, 141, 157.
Náhikái (rite), 241.
Nahodĭtáhe (hero), 196, etc.
Naídikĭsi, name of To'badzĭstsíni, 116.
Nalkénaaz (divine couple), 136.
Nánzoz (game), 84, 97, 141, 226.
Nastsé Estsán, Spider Woman, 109, 110, 119, 201-203, 232, 250.
Natĭ'nĕsthani, He Who Teaches Himself (hero), 53, 58, 160-194, 243, 248, etc.
Natĭ'nĕsthanini (Natĭ'nĕsthani dead), 187, 249.
Natsĭ'd, ceremony, 146, 147, 241.
Natsĭsaán, Navaho Mountain, 123, 154, 236.
Navaho country and people, 1-22.
Navaho Springs, Ariz., 224.
Nayénĕzgani, Slayer of the Alien Gods (war god), 34, 106-134, 165, 231, 233, 236, 253.
Nayénĕzgani, wife of, 244.
Nicotiana, various species of, 247.
Night chant, see Klédzi hatál.
Nĭ'ltsi, Wind (god), 83, 101, 113, 127, 137, 225, etc.
Nĭ'ltsi Dĭlkóhi, Smooth Wind, 76.
Ninokádíne', People upon the Earth, Indians, 176, 247.
Níyol, Whirlwind (god), 101, 103.
Nohoílpi, He Who Wins Men at Play (gambling god, god of the Mexicans), 82-87.
Notes, character of, 56.
Nubility, ceremony of, 238.

Obstacles, supernatural, 110, 113, 232.
Oceans, four, 63.
Old Age Water, see Sánto'.
Old Age, see San.
Opuntia arborescens, 229.
Oraibes, 154.
Origin Legend, 1-51, 68-159.
Otter, 97-100, 168, 170.
Otter, cigarette of, yellow, 170.
Owl, creation of, 120, 236.

Pahutes, creation of, 123, 236.
Palettes, 44.
Paradise, Navaho, 216.
Pastora Peak, 211.
Pathology, 178, 247.
Pelado Peak. N. Mex., see Tsĭsnadzĭ'ni.
Pemmican, 184, 192, 248.
Péslĭtsi, Red Knife (place), 134.
Pet animals, 149, 153, 164.
Phragmites communis, 42.
Phratries, 32.
Pictures, ceremonial, 43, 49.
Pigments, five, 44.