Page:Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society V.djvu/327

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Pintó'dĭne', Deer Spring People. (gens), 30, 155, 242.
Piniltani, Deer Raiser (god), 184, 191, 192.
niltani-bitsí, 184.
Pipes, 175, 176, 177, 246.
Place of Emergence, Hadzinaí, 76, 135, 147, 214, 219.
Planting stick, 173, 246.
Poetry, 22.
Poison, 178-180.
Pollen, 41, 45, 109, 183, 214, 232, 233.
Pollen Boy, 79, 104.
Porcupine, 87, 149, 153.
Portraits, 11.
Potatoes, wild, 2.
Pottery, 18.
Pottery, invention of, 70.
Poverty, see Tieín.
Powers, Stephen, 60.
Prayer, 49, 109, 192, 269-275.
Preludes, of songs, 25.
Priest, see Shaman.
Pronunciation, 55.
Pueblo Chettro Kettle, 224.
Pueblo Grande, 224.
Pueblos, see Kisáni.
Puma, 77, 149, 153, 200.
Puma People, 192.
Pumpkin, 173, etc.

Queue, symbolic, 254.

Races, ceremonial, 106, 134.
Racing, god of, see Hastséltsi.
Rafts, 161.
Rain ceremonies, 41.
Rain, male and female, 78, 79, 106, 166.
Rain, form of Yolkái Estsán, 139.
Rain god, see Tónenĭli.
Rainbows, 129, 168, 185, 231, 245.
Rainbow apotheosized, 244.
Rainbow arrows, 233.
Rainbow bridge, 96, 228.
Rainbow trail, 164, 230.
Raven, spy of anáye, 107.
Reanimation, 91, 93, 95, 103.
Reared beneath the Earth, see Léyaneyani.
Red God, see Hastséltsi.
Red Lake, 39.
Red Wind, 67.
Refrains of songs, 25.
Religion, 23.
Rhyme, 28, 29.
Rhythm, 255.
Rio Grande, To'baád, Female Water, 87, 210, 235.
Rio San José, To'baká, Male Water, 210, 235.
Rite, medicinal, 205.
Rite-myths, 50.
Rites, antiquity of, 45.
Ritual chants, see Hatál.
Rock Crystal Boy and Girl, 79, 136.
Rocks, heads of giants, 116.
Rock People, see Tsé'dĭne'.
Rocks That Crush (anáye), 109.
Rocky Mountain sheep, 96, 185, 244.
Ropes, of rainbow, etc., 106, 165, 208.
Ruins, 195.

Sacred articles, eighteen, 163, 243.
Sacrifices, 42, 223.
Saíbehogan (old pueblo), 158.
Saitád, land of rising sand, 110.
Salt, used to blind anáye, 123.
Salt Woman (goddess), 229, 236.
San, Old Age (anáye), 130.
nbito', Old Age Water, San Juan River, 36, 53, 134, 141-145, 155-157, 161, 211, 235, 238, 241, 244.
San Juan Mountains, see Depĕ'ntsa.
San Juan River, see Sánto'
San Juan Valley, 52, 238.
San Mateo Mountains, see Tsótsĭl.
San Miguel Lake and River, 218.
San Rafael, see To'sato.
Sandals, 161.
Sand-altars, 44.
Sand-paintings, see Dry-paintings.
Santa Fé, N. Mex., 87, 142.
Sarcasm, 249.
Sasnalkáhi, Bear that Pursues (god), 124, 187, 189.
Sciurus aberti, 22, 34.
Scourging, 106.
Scrofula, 8.
Seats, refused by hero, 127.
Seeds, magical growth of, 74.
Sentinels, before house of Sun, 111.
Second world, blue in color, 65.
Sexes, quarrel of, 72, 73.
Shamans, 26, 49, 56-59, 205.
Shells, sacred, 83, 86, 226.
Shells, white magical, 73, 152.
She-rain, 166.
Ship Rock, see Tsé'bĭtai.
Shooting deity, see Hastséoltoi.
Silver Lake, Colo., 219.
Simpson, J. H., 220, 223, 234.
Sinew (so called), 240.
Sky, houses in, 86.
Sky, of four colors, 92.
Sky, poles or supports of, 113, 223.
Sky Father, see Yádĭll.
Sky-hole, 66, 113, 200, 204, 205, 233.
Slavery, 86, 146, 241.
Slaves, descendants from gens, 146.
Smell, discovery of hero by, 94.
Snake-skin, assumed, 188.
Snow buntings, couriers, 130.
Song of the Approach, 35.
Song of the Eagles, 257.
Song of the Ascension, 257.
Song of Estsánatlehi, 124, 261.
Songs of the Log, 266.
Songs, sacred, 24-28, 166, 167, 199.
Spider People, 98.
Spider Woman, see Nastsé Estsán.
Spiders, 98-100, 228, 231.
Sporobolus cryptandrus, 162.
Squash, 183, etc.
Squirrels, 74.
Stars, Creation of, 80, 223, 224.
Stephen, A. M., 41, 212.
Sticks, sacrificial, 42.
Store-houses, 142, 240.
Storm-cloud, in decoration, 244.
Storm-raising, see Hoops.
Storms, northern, once women, 144.