Cooper, Sir Charles, chief justice June, 1856–61, retired 1862, knighted 18 June, 1857, (senior) judge supreme court of South Australia 1839–49, a student of the Inner Temple 24 Jan., 1822, called to the bar 9 Feb., 1827 (3rd son of Thomas Cooper, of Henley-upon-Thames, Oxon, gentleman); born March, 1795; married 7 July, 1853, Emily Grace, eldest dau. of Charles Burton Newenham, Esq., high sheriff South Australia.
- 12, Pulteney Street, Bath.
Cooper, Charles James, M.A., LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1877, B.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1874, a member of the Western circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 12 Dec., 1872 (then aged 23), called to the bar 25 April, 1877 (only son of James Newberry Cooper, of Chester, gentleman); born , 1849.
- 58, Chancery Lane, W.C
Cooper, Charles Philip, chief magistrate and revenue judge police department Bombay, a student of the Middle Temple 25 Jan., 1859, admitted to practise under the bar as a special pleader 18 Nov., 1861, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1862 (2nd son of William Cooper, of London, bar.-at-law); born , ; married 8 Feb., 1879, Beatrice Maud, only child of W. P. Partridge, surgeon-major Bombay army.
- Bombay.
Cooper, Edward Brodie, B.A. London Univ. 1862, a member of Convocation, equity draftsman and conveyancer a student of Lincoln's Inn 8 Nov., 1862 (then aged 20), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1866 (2nd son of late William Wellington Cooper, of London, and of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, dec.); born , 1842.
- 11, New Square, W.C.
Cooper, George, M.A. St. John's Coll., Camb., a member of the Northern circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Nov., 1872 (then aged 21), called to the bar 10 May, 1876 (eldest son of John Cooper, Esq., J.P., of the Oaks, Preston, Lancashire); born , 1851.
- 6, Winckley Street, Preston.
Cooper, George Henry, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1844, associate of Western circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 30 April, 1844 (then aged 22), called to the bar 5 May, 1848 (eldest son of George Edward Cooper, of London); born , 1822.
- 5, Pump Court, Temple, E.C.
Cooper, Henry Griffiths Seymour, special pleader, a student of Gray's Inn 17 Dec., 1864, called to the bar 18 Nov., 1867 (2nd son of William Bush Cooper, of Harrow, Middlesex, and of Gray's Inn, bar.-at-law).
- Strathaven House, Hendon.
Cooper, James, a student of Gray's Inn 5 May, 1852, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1855 (only son of William Cooper, late of Islington, merchant, dec.); born , ; married 10 Jan., 1884, Harriet, 2nd dau. of late James C. Hale, of Calne.
- 7, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, W.C.; 10, Gray's Inn Square, W.C.
Cooper, John William, LL.D., Trin. Hall, Camb., 1880, LL.B. 1866, LL.M. 1869, a member of the South-eastern circuit, J.P. Cambridge borough, a student of Lincoln's Inn 18 Nov., 1866 (then aged 20), called to the bar 6 June, 1868 (2nd son of Charles Henry Cooper, F.S.A., of Cambridge, gentleman); born 26 April, 1845; married 9 Sept., 1873, Charlotte Ann, dau. of W. S. Welsman, Esq. of Ware, collector of inland revenue.
- 59, Bateman Street, Cambridge.
Cooper, Pope Alexander, B.A. Sydney Univ., matric. London Univ., a student of the Middle Temple 26 Oct., 1868, called to the bar 6 June, 1872 (5th son of Francis Cooper, Esq., of Sydney, New South Wales); born , ; married 19 Aug., 1873, Alice Frener, dau. of James Cooper, of London.
- 3, Essex Court, Temple, E.C.
Cooper, William Bush, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of Gray's Inn 5 Nov., 1860, called to the bar 6 June, 1863 (only son of William Henderson Cooper, late of Gray's Inn, architect, dec.); born .
- 5, Gray's Inn Square, W.C.
Coote, Charles John Aldworth, J.P. co. Limerick, high sheriff 1876, a student of Lincoln's Inn 15 Jan., 1833 (then aged 21), called to the bar 30 April, 1839 (5th son of Chidley Coote, Esq., of Mount Coote, co. Limerick); born , 1811.
- Mount Coote, Kilmallock, co. Limerick; 15, George Street, Hanover Square, W.; Kildare Street Club, Dublin.
Coote, Charles Lewis, B.A., Brasenose Coll., Oxon, 1876, scholar of 1st class classical moderations 1874, etc., from St. Peter's Coll., Radley, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 Nov., 1878 (then aged 24), called to the bar 29 June, 1881 (only son of Charles Thomas Coote, M.D., late of London, dec.); born 12 Jan., 1854; married 11 Aug., 1881, Sybil Theodora, youngest dau. of late Philip Charles Sheppard, J.P. Somerset.
- 84, West Cromwell Road, S.W.; 19, Old Square, W.C.
Cope, Edgar Broome, undergrad. Trin. Coll., Camb., practises before the chief court Lahore, a student of the Inner Temple 7 June, 1870 (then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1875 (eldest son of John Alexander Mainley Cope, Esq., of Drummilly, Loughgall, co. Armagh); born 26 March, 1849.
- Lahore, Punjab.
Cope, George Cope, B.A. Pembroke Coll., Camb., a student of the Inner Temple 12 May, 1876, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1879 (4th son of John Alexander Mainley Cope, Esq., of Drummilly, co. Armagh); born 12 July, 1855.
- Drummilly, Loughgall, co. Armagh; Lamb Buildings Temple, E.C.
Cope, Thomas, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1866, J.P. Leicestershire, lord of the manor of Osbaston, a student of Lincoln's Inn 15 Oct., 1862 (then aged 21), called to the bar 6 June, 1866 (eldest son of Thomas Cope, J.P., of Osbaston Hall, co. Leicester); born , 1840; married 26 April, 1879, Alice Kate, dau. of late George Walker, Esq., of Walthamstow Essex, and has issue.
- Osbaston Hall, Leicester; New University Club.