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The Man Against the Sky

Cloth, $1.00; Leather, $1.60

It has been some years since Mr. Robinson has given us a new collection of poems. Those who remember "Captain Craig, A Book of Poems," a volume which brought to its author the heartiest of congratulations, placing him at once in the rank of those American writers whose contributions to literature are of permanent value, will welcome this new work and will find that their anticipation of it and hopes for it have been realized.

"A new book by Edwin Arlington Robinson is something of a literary event. . . . In these selections we have the richly assorted best of Robinson; which is the same as saying that we have here one of the most direct and distinctive writers of the day."—Chicago Evening Post.

"He is writing as good poetry as is being written on either side of the Atlantic."—New York Sun.

"Mr. Robinson, with his fascinating, discursive style, is one of the best singers in this country to-day."—Springfield Republican.


Publishers 64–66 Fifth Avenue New York