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The Porcupine: A Drama in Three Acts

Cloth, 12mo, $1.25

Edwin Arlington Robinson's comedy "Van Zorn" proved him to be one of the most accomplished of the younger generation of American dramatists. Of this play the Boston Transcript said "It is an effective presentation of modern life in New York City, in which a poet shows his skill of playwriting . . . he brings to the American drama to-day a thing it sadly lacks, and that is character." In manner and technique Mr. Robinson's new play "The Porcupine" recalls some of the work of Ibsen. Written adroitly and with the literary cleverness exhibited in "Van Zorn" it tells a story of a domestic entanglement in a dramatic fashion well calculated to hold the reader's attention.

"He writes admirable dialogue, and his characters have strong and consistent individuality. Moreover, he has freshness of invention, and knows how to unfold an interesting story in dramatic form."—Nation.


Publishers 64–66 Fifth Avenue New York