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have this day taken a hare, and she may carry it, for she is very quick footed ; be it so, replied the rest ; she shall have a letter, and a purse to put our money in, and we can direct her the way. When the letter was written and the money put into a purse, they tied them about the hare's neck, saying, You must first go to Loughborough, and then to Leicester, and at Newark is our landlord'; then commend us to him, and there is his due. The hare, as soon as she got out of their hands, ran quite a contrary way. ---Some said, Thou must first go to Loughborough ; others said, Let the hare alone, for she can tell a nearer way than the best of us ; let her go.


A man of Gotham, that went mowing in the meadow, found a large grasshopper. He instantly threw down his scythe, and ran home to his neighbour, and said that the devil was at work in the field, and was hopping among the