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in the great pond, without any distinction, and we may be sure to fare like lords the next year. At the begining of the next Lent, they immediately went about drawing the pond, imagining they should have the fish, but were much surprised to find nothing but a great eel. Ah! said they, a mischief on this eel, for he hath eaten up our fish. What must we do with him ?said one; chop him in pieces, said another. Nay, not so, said another, but let us drown him. Be it accordingly so, replied they all. So they went immediately to another pond, and cast the eel into the water. Lay there, said these wise men, and shift for thyself, since you may not expect help from us. So they left the eel to be drowned.


On a time the men of Gotham had forgotten to pay their rents to their landlord ; so one said the other, to-morrow must be pay-day, by whom can we send our money ? So one said, I