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and Christabel, said the same. The priest then said, Wherefore came you hither? They immediately said the same. The priest being amazed, could not tell what to say, but whistled and said Whey, and so did they. The priest being angry, said, Go home, you fools, go home. Then Gilbert, Humphrey, and Christabel, did the same. The priest then provided god-fathers and god-mothers himself.


A YOUNG man of Gotham went a wooing a fair maid : his mother warned him before-hand, saying, whenever look at her, cast a sheep's eye at her, and say, How dost thou my sweet Pigmy? The fellow went to a butcher and bought seven or eight sheep eyes. And when this lusty wooer was at dinner, he would look upon the fair wench, and cast in her face a sheep's eye, saying, How dost thou do, my sweet Pigmy? How I do, said the wench; Swine's face, what do you mean by casting a