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sheep's eye at me? O! sweet Pigmy, have at thee with another. I defy thee Swine's face, said the wench, What my sweet old Pigmy, be content, for if you live till next year you will be a foul sow. Walk, knave, walk, said she, for if you live till next year you will be a fool.


THERE was a man of Gotham who would be married, and when the day of marriage was come, they went to church. The priest said, Do you say after me. The man said, Do you say after me. The priest said Say not after me such like, but say what I shall tell you ; thou dost play the fool to mock the holy Scriptures concerning matrimony, The fellow said, Thou dost play the fool to mock the holy Scriptures concerning matrimony. The priest wist not what to say, but answered, What shall I do with this fool ? and the man said, What shall I do with this fool ? So the priest took his leave, and