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fifh, but were much furprifed to find nothing but a great eel. Ah ! faid they a mifchief on this eel, for it hath eat- en up our fifh. What muft we do with him; faid one to the other ; kill him, faid one, chop him in pieces, faid an- ther. Nay, not fo, faid the other, but let us drown him. Be it accordingly fo, replied they all.So they immedi- ately went to another pond and caft the eel into the water. Lie there, faid thefe wife men, and fhift for thyfelf, fince you may not expert any help from us. So they left the eel to be drowned. T A L E VIII. ON a time the men of Gotham, had forgotten to pay their rents to their landlord. So one faid to the other, To- morrow muft be pay day; by whom can we fend our money to our land- ord? Said one or them, I have this lay taken a' hare, and he may carry it, or he is very quick footed ; be it fo, replied the reft ; he fhall have a letter, and a large purfe to put our money , and we can direct him the neareft ay. When the letter was written, and ne money put into the purfe, they im- ediately tied them about the hare’s