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( 9 ) eck, Saying, You muft firft go to oughborongb, and then to Leicefter, nd at Norwark is our landlord ; than commend us unto him,and there is is due. The hare, as foon as he got at of their hands, ran quite a contra- y way, Some faid, thou muft firft go o Loughborough; others faid, let the are alone, for fhe can tell a nearer way han the beft of us; let him go. TALE IX. A man of Gotham that went mow- ing in the meadow,found a large grafshopper. He immediately threw down his fcythe, and ran home to his neighbours,and faid, That the devil was there in the field, and was hop- ping among the grafs. Then was e- very man ready, with their clubs and ftaves, halberts and other weapons, to kill the grafshopper. When they came almoft to the place where the grafs- shopper was, faid one to the other, let every one crofs himfelf, from the devil, for we will not meddle with him, fo they returned again, and faid, we were bleft this day that, we went no far- ther. O ye cowards, faid he, that le fo his fcythe in the meadow, help me to