Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/122

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will be very difficult to prevail on the Indians to consent to it.

Richardville the Sachem or Principal Chief of the Miamis whose father was a Frenchman carries on a small trade with that Tribe. He generally procures his goods on the British side of the lakes and the duties have always been exacted from him by the collector of Duties Contrary in my opinion to the Treaty with Great Britain. He had applied to me for redress—if you would think as I do I must beg your interference to relieve him from the Duties in future. There is no doubt of his attachment to our interests.

I have lately received intelligence from the Arkansas informing me that the Osages have plundered the Traders and other inhabitants upon that River to an immense amount.

I have the Honor to be with perfect esteem and respect

Your Servant

William Henry Harrison

The Hon. Henry Dearborn Esq. Sec'y of War

Proclamation Erecting Dearborn County and Appointing Officers for Same

March 7, 1803

Cincinnati Western Spy, April 6, 1803

Whereas, I have received a petition from a number of citizens, inhabiting the south-east corner of the territory, stating the inconveniences they labor under for the want of a county establishment in that quarter, and praying that a new county may be laid off.

And whereas, I have received satisfactory evidence that there are a sufficient number of inhabitants within the proposed limits to justify a compliance with their request. I have thought proper to erect into a separate county all the lands lying and being within the following lands and lines and bounds, viz. Beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami thence north along the line separating the Indiana territory from the state of Ohio, to the intersection thereof with the Indiana boundary line running from a point opposite the mouth of the Kentucky River, thence, along the last mentioned line to the Ohio river and up the said river to the place of beginning; and the said county shall be known as designated by the name and styled under county of Dear-