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born and all the lands lying within the above described lines, and boundaries are hereby erected into the county of Dearborn; and the inhabitants of the said county of Dearborn shall have and enjoy all the rights privileges, and immunities whatsoever which to a county and the inhabitants thereof in any wise appertain.

And whereas it is of the utmost importance that a proper place should be selected in the name of justice for the said county, and as the information I have received, does not enable me at present to determine on the subject, I have thought proper to declare and ordain that until a permanent seat of justice shall be fixed in the session of the court of common pleas of the general quarter sessions of the peace and of the orphans court of the said county, shall be held at the town of Lawrenceburgh.

And I do hereby appoint Benjamin Chambers,[1] Esquire, and his associates the justices of the courts of the quarter sessions of the peace for said county or any three of them commissioners to enquire into and report to me on a proper place for the permanent seat of justice as aforesaid.

In testimony whereof I, William Henry Harrison, Governor, hath hereunder set my hand and caused the seal of the territory to be hereunder affixed, at Vincennes, this 7th day of March, Anno Domino, one thousand eight hundred and three and of the independence of the United States of America the twenty seventh.

William Henry Harrison

By the Governor. John Gibson, Secretary

Proclamation: Changing the Boundary Line Between Randolph and St. Clair Counties

March 25, 1803

Executive Journal, 8

Sundrie petitions having been presented to the Governor, from a number of the Citizens of the County of Randolph, Complaining of the great distance from the seat of justice of their county, and praying that the line dividing the counties-

  1. Benjamin Chambers was the founder of Lawrenceburg, a government surveyor by profession. His associates were Jabez Percival, Barnet Hulick, John Brownson, Jeremiah Hunt, Richard Stevens. William Major and James McCarty. Dearborn County, 113