Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/577

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Hill of the Star, 156.
Hill of the Treasure, 85.
History of Mexico as adapted to schools, 134; résumé of the above, 134.
Horseback travelling, 264, 283.
Hospital at Puebla, 211; impartiality
at, between contending medical schools, 211.
Hotel and inn, 38, 54, 151, 164, 195, 210, 219; a new American, 64, 67, 515.
Houses, interiors of, 52, 216.
Huamantla, 194.
Huehuetoca, 102.
Humboldt, Baron von, 88.
Humor, Mexican, 287.
Huntington, C. P., 74.


Ibarra, 122.
Iguala, 98, 279.
Immigration, 523.
Improvement Company, an American,
in Mexico, 64.
Indian population, characteristic traits
of, 67, 80, 83, 100, 160, 169, 205,
254, 258.
Inn (see Hotel).
Insane asylum at Puebla, 211.
Instep, the Castilian, 27.
Insurance companies, American, 105.
Invasion of 1847, the American, 65.
Irapuato, 82.
Irolo, 511.
Iturbide, the Emperor, 56, 135, 189,
273, 291; hotel at the City of Mexico, 38, 54.
Ixtacihuatl, the white woman, 24, 160.
Ixtapalapa, 156.
Ixtle crop, the, 513.

Jalapa, 26.
Jalapilla, 30, 198.
Janvier, statement of, 524.
Jardin Borda, 269.
Jefe Politico of Texcoco, the, 166.
Jews in Mexico, absence of, 96.
Jockey Club at City of Mexico, 516.
Journalists at a banquet, 188.
Jovellar, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Juarez, Benito, President, 83; tomb of, 126.
Juarez, José, 122.
Juarez, Luis, 121.
Judases, 32.


Kidnappers, or plagiarios, 172.

La Compañia, 160.
La Romita, causeway of, 65.
La Venta de Peregrino, 288.
La Veronica, causeway of, 65.
Lagos, 82, 511.
Lakes about the capital, 156.
Land laws, 68.
"Land of Bread," the, 219.
Land purchases by Americans, 523.
Laredo, 77, 87.
Las Casas protecting the Aztecs, 125.
Law of libel, 128.
Laws, mining, 234; real estate, 67; reform, 523; tax, 68.
Le Plongeon, 521.
Legislative quarters, Tlaxcala, 221.
Leon, 82.
Lerdist sentiment, 143.
Lerdo, Sebastian, President, 109, 132,
140, 141, 522; town of, 511.
"Liberty in the Constitution," 131.
Library, National, 116, 263; public, at
Vera Cruz, 19.
Literary men of Mexico, 108, 129.
Literature, contemporary, 128.
Llandero y Cos, Señor, 231.
Llandesio, 184.
Llave, General and Governor, 20.
Longfellow's last poem, 291.