Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/578

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Lower California, late colonization of,
Lower classes, the, their squalid habits, 161.
Lyra Mexicana, the, 130.


Machete, the, 11, 202.
Maguey, or century-plant (see also
Pulque), 31.
Malinche, 194.
Maltrata, 29.
Manigua, or jungle, the, 8.
Manners, Mexican, 112, 518.
Manzanillo, 87, 290.
Maravatio, 87.
"Maria," the novel of, 173.
Market-houses, 221, 282.
Market scenes, 105.
Mas Arriba, 157.
Matamoros, the patriot general, 189;
town of, 87.
Matanzas, 8, 11; Pan of, 5.
Match-making, 110.
Matehuala, 87.
Mateos, Juan, 129, 131.
Matriculation of foreigners, 69.
Matrimonial customs, 110.
Maximilian, Emperor, 30, 43, 57, 62, 83, 107, 137, 193, 198, 213, 275.
Mayos, the, 80.
Mazatlan, 291.
Mazzantini, 541.
Mescala River, 284.
Meson, 151, 219.
Metlac, barranca of, 29.
Mexican colonel, a, 265.
Mexican enterprise, 97; manners, 42, 112, 518; onyx, 126; traits in California (see Second Part of Index); "Warwick," the, 140.
Mexico, American influx to, 54; American engineers in, 59; American land purchases in, 523; causes of slow development of, 97; City of (see City of Mexico); commercial treaty with, 100; ease of travel in, 515; invasion of (1847), 65; lack of roads and water-ways, 98; late
improvements in, 515; popular American ideas of, 2; population of, 67, 83, 95; revisited, 515; routes to, 1, 514; security of travel in, 515; "Study of, A," 515, 527; territory conquered from, by United States, 5.
Milanes, 11.
Mill-hands, native, 100, 200.
Miners, Cornish, 228.
Mines, 58; foreign capital in, 229; in bonanza, 231; old Spanish, 233; practical school of, at Pachuca, 232; school of, or Mineria, at Mexico, 116.
Mining companies, 229.
Mining, general tribunal of, 237.
Mining laws, 234.
Miramon, General, 126.
Mochos, the, 108.
Mocking-birds at hotels, 204.
Molino de Flores, 172.
Money, silver, 101; paper, 102, 513.
Monitor Republicano, the, 128, 544.
Monte de Piedad, or National Loan
Establishment, the, 40, 101, 513.
Monteleone, Duke of, 268.
Monterey, California, 365.
Monterey, Count of, 18.
Monterey, Mexico, 53, 87, 100.
Montiel, Tiburcio, General, 160.
Monuments, national, 62, 65, 126.
Morelos railway, 185.
Morelos, the patriot chief, 188.
Morgan City, steamer from, 1.
Morro Castle, 7.
Muleteer, or arriero, contract with, 264.
Museum, national, 119, 519.

National anthem, the, 189, 274.
National Bridge, 26.